Girl: I don't wanna go out with you anymore.
Boy: why not!? Whats wrong?
Girl: Its just over. (click)
Boy: (throws phone)
After this conversation the boy felt hopeless and underly depressed. The boy had not seen this coming, he had no idea what was going on. At that moment he thought through his mind "What could my worth possibly be if i can't even make a girl happy enough to stay with me!" as he cursed aloud to himself. Ten minutes had passed with the boy walking back and worth wondering to himself what he did wrong, could this be fixed, and why he was stupid enough to put forth effort into another person who would turn around and run.
He started to be overwhelmed with the anger and sadness as he looked up and his eye randomly landed on the medicine cabinet which was full of medication at the moment. The reason this cabinet was fun of meds was because the boy had been taking several medications to help quell the depression he had been going through. He walked over and grabbed 4 bottles of pills, dumped them out on the counter, went to the sink for a glass of water, and started downing pill after pill until the counter was empty. He walked into the next room pulled out a knife and looked to his arm. The boy found a nice empty spot in between scabs from other knife cut and made two deep straight cuts into his flesh. After that he pulled a cover over him and cried till he passed out.
I'm gonna start off by asking a simple question. Do you have to always be in a relationship to be happy?I know too many young people who are always looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend and are always unhappy and depressed about life. their view of life is so messed up that they think to only good comes from a member of the opposite sex.
Try relying on someone so perfect that they will never leave you or put you down. Try getting to know yourself, and find a way to be happy in life without dating. I say this because if you enter a relationship in a bad place in life chances are that if it ends you will still be in that bad place. My point to all this is if you struggle with in this part of you life date the ideals and teachings of Jesus Christ. It will give true meaning to your life.
When I woke after passing out on the couch I could only see blurs of colors and i could not walk. I had an I V in my arm and i was on a suicide watch in the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia a day later. It took me a few moments to remember the following day and to realize where I ended up. Following that I was sent to a psychiatric Hospital called Brook Glenn. I look back on what I did and the only thing i can say is "wow that was possibly the dumbest thing I have ever done".
Don't get me wrong, I totally support people dating. Just make sure you life is together enough to handle it.
If your a girl reading this, read the title as He's not worth the overdose.
thanks for your honesty mike :)
p.s. the letters for my word verification spell ..."furbob"
great job, well said
i really think that a lot of people need to read this because it is so true
haha immature dating seems to be a virus thats infecting ccv like the black pleauge(sp?)
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