Ever since i have become a christian I have always had the faith and trust in God that he will always bring me through even if i could not see were he was taking me. In a sense he is keeping me blind but still leading me.
But for me being blind is getting really old! God Must really like keeping in the dark, because I have remained blind for a while now. I meet people who no Gods calling for them, weather it be youth ministry, or worship ministry or and secular job. I know people who are really good and stuff and can honor God in that. Why can't I be like that! Sure I'm good at being nice and uplifting, but where the crap is that gonna get me!
I am not good at anything of worth, i have no calling in my life, I never know where i'm going to be from week to week. What if I am just waisting my money on all this college stuff? In the past i could always talk to a mentor about this kinda of stuff but God found it necessary to completely remove all of them from my life at the moment. WERE AM I GOING TO TURN NOW! When my dad was still alive i could always count on him being there when i needed help. No matter the time of day, or the date, or location he was always freaking there!! I'm tired of being blind! I'm tired of not knowing where to go next! Satan sure knows how to dish out the low blows don't he?
I feel like I'm just adrift in an ocean and God is the current. I have no idea where its gonna take me, I can only hope it takes me to land.
It's not that I lost my faith, it's just that I get tired of holding on to only that so tightly.
So for now I will just keep praying.