After living for twenty years theres one thing in my life and that I always see in others that I find pathetic. That is the pursuit of Romantic relationships. After looking back on all my past relationships I have to say that there is always more bad than good. And I seem to be the only one who tries to remember the good in them.
Recently I have lost all desire to Date and be married. Don't get me wrong, I still have the inner desires for female companionship because I am still human and no John I am not Gay. I just don't care about dating and anything of that subject anymore. If there was an object to represent dating I would piss on it for how much it means to me.
Just think about what it does to people! It causes Anger, jealousy, Hate, Bitterness, neglect, Sadness, Depression, sorrow, pain, pettiness, lies, selfishness, misinterpretation and shame. The things I have seen what people do just to be with someone that think they like or love are strait up stupid! I have seen friends stab each other in the back, I have seen friendships end, and i have even seen people physically and verbally abuse people for the sake of being with someone. So right now I am very alright with Never pursuing a girl again in my life. yup, thats right everyone, I am defying what some would say is a part of my humanity to focus on more important things in my life. I feel that this is what I am being called to do. The only Way I will ever do so again is if God Throws a miraculous sign in my face that knocks me back and makes me go "WHOA!".
I must say that a loving relationship does also bring out the best in people. But not enough to convince me that the idea of trying to date the person you currently think you like is worth it. I refuse to be a part of the statistics of failed marriages!
I guess I'm just tired of people hurting each other and themselves.
Any Questions, comments, concerns?