I am sitting by a window and it is a little past 4:00 AM and I’m looking out onto a few streets with the full moon looming ahead. These streets are pretty busy during the day and yet at this time of night, they are dead. There is not a single thing moving in sight. I can go out and walk these streets but it would be unwise and dangerous. At this time of day people lose reason in their minds and laws of our society no longer bind their morals. The people who wonder the streets now are thieves, murderers, and they are broken inside. Were it later in the day these streets would be safe enough for a child to walk down! It’s Crazy how a change in the hour can affect a street so drastically!
Another thing that changes this time of day is how they are lit. Man made street lamps illuminate them now, but they are still dark and cold. But then there is Gods Light. During a later hour of the Day Gods light, will bring these streets to life once more and warm the air and make the streets friendly again. It’s interesting how a change in the hour can affect a street so drastically.
Dare I walk these Godless streets at this hour? Or shall I let the people go to sleep before the sun rises just to awake in darkness again? If I don't, who will?